Wedding Vows For Him In Every Mood

On your wedding day, the vows you share with your groom will be a timeless reminder of all that love and friendship entails. Writing perfect romantic wedding vows for him from scratch can feel daunting though; thankfully we’ve compiled memorable examples to help ensure the expression of devotion comes straight from the heart! Browse our selection find romantic sample wedding vows for sweet & romantic, light-hearted or humorous ideas—all geared towards making those ‘I do’s even more meaningful and special. Get ready to customize these personalized romantic wedding vows samples into beautiful promises meant just for him – it a precious gift that’ll surely turn this already momentous occasion no one will ever forget!

Short Wedding Vows for Him

Couples desiring heartfelt simplicity can find solace in short wedding vows. These declarations of love become everlasting reminders that three little words – “I do” – convey profound emotion and commitment to same kind of better person together. Let your unwavering devotion to better same person shine through beautiful yet brief promises, such simple wedding vows word for word, as the following wedding vow examples do for him:

Short Wedding Vows For Him
  1. “I vow to be your partner in life, in love, and in everything we do.”
  2. “I promise to always put you first and to love you unconditionally.”
  3. “I pledge to support and encourage you in all of your dreams.”
  4. “I vow to stand by your side through all of life’s ups and downs.”
  5. “I promise to love and cherish you for all of my days.”
  6. “I pledge my heart to you and promise to be faithful and true.”
  7. “I vow to be your rock, your confidante, and your best friend.”
  8. “I promise to make you laugh, to make you feel loved, and to always be there for you.”
  9. “I pledge to be your partner, your lover, and your soulmate.”
  10. “I vow to love you now, tomorrow, and forever.”

Traditional Wedding Vows for Him

For centuries, many traditional religious wedding vows have expressed the deep love and commitment between two partners in marriage. Timeless words of promise offer stability the rest of your life and security to an everlasting bond – here are some examples of many traditional wedding vows vow for him to consider as he pledges his devotion to be weds:

Traditional Wedding Vows For Him
  1. “I, [name], take you, [partner’s name], to be my lawfully wedded spouse, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”
  2. “I, [name], take you, [partner’s name], to be my partner in life, to love and to cherish, to honor and to respect, in good times and in bad, for all the days of my life.”
  3. “I, [name], give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment. I promise to cherish you, honor you, and love you, for all of our days together.”
  4. “I, [name], take you, [partner’s name], to be my lawfully wedded husband/wife. I promise to be faithful to you, to respect, honor and cherish you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live.”
  5. “I, [name], promise to be your faithful and loving husband/wife, to stand by your side through thick and thin, in joy and in sorrow, until the end of time.”
  6. “I, [name], promise to love, honor, and cherish you, for all of our days together. I will stand by your side through thick and thin, in joy and in sorrow, until the end of time.”
  7. “I, [name], take you, [partner’s name], to be my partner in life, to love and to cherish, to honor and to respect, in good times and in bad, for all the days of my life. This is my solemn vow.”
  8. “I, [name], give you my heart and my soul, as a symbol of my love and commitment. I promise to stand by your side, through all of life’s ups and downs, for better or for worse, until the end of time.”
  9. “I, [name], take you, [partner’s name], to be my lawfully wedded spouse, my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you , to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.”
See more: Unlock the Magic of Christian Wedding Vows: 20+ Inspiring Examples and Tips for Personalizing Your Perfect Promise

Romantic Wedding Vows for Him

On your wedding day, make a love declaration best wedding vows that will melt hearts and move mountains. Show how much you care by expressing your unfiltered sentiment through tender words of adoration – say romantic wedding vows for him that are full of passion and love demands promise a lifetime of happiness! Let these examples successful marriage – write vows will be the beginning to a wonderful life by writing powerful messages sealed with undying commitment: perfect write romantic wedding vows for couples ready to take their relationship to the next level.

Romantic Wedding Vows For Him
  1. “My love, my heart, my soul. I promise to love and cherish you always, to be your partner in all of life’s adventures, and to hold you close in my heart forever.”
  2. “You are the light that guides me through the darkness, the air that I breathe, and the beat of my heart. I promise to love you with every fiber of my being, to support you in all your dreams, and to hold you close in my arms always.”
  3. “With you by my side, I feel like I can conquer the world. I promise to love you unconditionally, to cherish you always, and to be your faithful partner in all of life’s adventures.”
  4. “My love, you are the missing piece that completes me. I promise to be your rock in times of trouble, your partner in all of life’s joys, and your forever soulmate.”
  5. “I never believed in fairy tales until I met you. You are my prince charming, my knight in shining armor, and the love of my life. I vow to love you always, to support you in all your dreams, and to be your forever partner in life.”
  6. “My love, my heart, my soulmate. I promise to love you with all my heart, to cherish you always, and to be your faithful partner in all of life’s ups and downs.”
  7. “You are the missing piece that completes me, the love that fills my heart, and the light that guides me through the darkness. I vow to love you unconditionally, to cherish you always, and to be your forever partner in life.”
  8. “With you, I’ve found my happily ever after. I promise to love you always, to support you in all your dreams, and to be your forever soulmate.”
  9. “My love, you are the sun that brightens my day, the moon that lights my night, and the love that fills my heart. I vow to cherish you always, to support you in all your dreams, and to be your forever partner in life.”
  10. “I choose you, my love, for all of my days. I promise to love you always, to cherish you always, and to be your forever partner in all of life’s adventures.”

Wedding Vows to Make Him Cry

Exchange romantic wedding vows that will tug at your heartstrings! On this special day, couples can express their true love and commitment to each other with heartfelt romantic wedding vows. A perfect way to get vulnerable in front of a family member and a crowd is through emotional speech; words so powerful they are sure to captivate the hearts of wedding guests and everyone present – a lucky man even bringing tears to his eyes while speaking them. Let these examples find romantic wedding vows to be an inspiration as you both make wedding vows and share each other half beautiful promises on your big day!

Cry Wedding Vows For Him
  1. “My love, I can’t imagine my life without you. You are my soulmate, my best friend, and my true love. I vow to love you forever and always, with all my heart and soul.”
  2. “My love, you are my rock, my support system, and my home. I vow to love you always, to support you in all your dreams, and to be your forever partner in all of life’s adventures.”
  3. “I never believed in soulmates until I met you. You are the love of my life, my partner in all things, and the one who completes me. I vow to love you always, to cherish you always, and to be your forever partner in all of life’s ups and downs.”
  4. “My love, you are the most amazing person I have ever met. You bring joy to my life, happiness to my soul, and love to my heart. I vow to always love you, to always support you, and to always be there for you, no matter what.”
  5. “You are the love that fills my heart, the one who brings happiness to my soul, and the partner who completes me. I promise to love you always, to cherish you always, and to be your forever partner in all of life’s joys and sorrows.”
  6. “My love, you are my everything. I promise to love you with all my heart, to cherish you always, and to be your forever partner in all of life’s ups and downs.”
  7. “You are the love of my life, my best friend, and my soulmate. I vow to always love you, to always support you, and to always be there for you, no matter what.”
  8. “With every beat of my heart, I promise to love you forever. You are the light that guides me through the darkness, the love that fills my heart, and the partner who completes me. I vow to cherish you always, to support you in all your dreams, and to be your forever partner in all of life’s adventures.”
  9. “Today, I stand before you, the person who has changed my life in ways I could have never imagined. I promise to always love you, to always support you, and to always be there for you, no matter what life throws our way.”

Funny Wedding Vows for Him

For couples looking to add some humor and joy into their wedding ceremony, humorous vows can be the perfect addition to wedding ceremony! From light-hearted quips to charming one-liners, these funny vows will give your bride or groom a good chuckle – plus they might even stick around just me few longer than that traditional wedding vow. So if you want your special day filled with laughter from start to finish, why not try incorporating religious own unique funny wedding vows into some of your wedding planning with these witty words?

Funny Wedding Vows For Him
  1. “I promise to always be there to hold your hand, especially when we’re watching horror movies and you get scared. But if I get scared, I’m not making any promises.”
  2. “I vow to always be your sous chef in the kitchen, even if it means chopping onions and pretending they’re not making me cry.”
  3. “I promise to never leave the toilet seat up, but I can’t guarantee that I won’t leave the cap off the toothpaste.”
  4. “I vow to always make you laugh, even if it’s just by being my silly self and making goofy faces.”
  5. “I promise to always dance with you, even if I have two left feet and no rhythm.”
  6. “I vow to never let the cat take precedence over you, unless it’s time for the cat’s nap, in which case, sorry, but the cat comes first.”
  7. “I promise to always take your side in any argument, even if I secretly agree with the other person.”
  8. “I vow to always let you win at board games, even though we both know I’m the better player.”
  9. “I promise to always be your partner in crime, whether that means sneaking extra snacks into the movie theater or pretending to be sick to get out of social events.”
  10. “I vow to never forget the importance of date nights, even if that means binge-watching Netflix in our pajamas.”

Wedding Vow Poems

If you’re a pair of star-crossed lovers, why not poeticize your nuptials by incorporating some verse into your wedding vows? This can be an enchanting way to write personalized romantic wedding vows to express the depths of love and devotion between two people. As if spoken from his heart directly to yours – here’s a sample write wedding vows a timeless expression that could perfectly capture wedding vows for him kindred spirit on this momentous occasion:

Wedding Vow Poems

You are my love, my life, my everything

With you by my side, my heart sings

I promise to love and cherish you always

Through the ups and downs, in all our days

My dearest love, my heart’s desire

With you by my side, I feel inspired

I vow to be your partner in all things

Through life’s trials and what it brings

Together we stand, hand in hand

United in love, in heart and soul

I promise to always be there for you

As we journey through life, and grow old

You are my sunshine, my guiding light

My partner, my best friend, my everything

I vow to love you with all my might

And cherish every moment we’re together, always and forever

My love for you is like the sun

Shining bright, never undone

I promise to love and honor you

For all eternity, forever true

With you by my side, I feel complete

My heart overflowing, with love so sweet

I vow to love you, cherish and hold

In good times and bad, till we grow old

I give you my heart, my soul, my all

To have and to hold, through rise and fall

I promise to love and cherish you

With every breath, forever true

My love, my heart, my precious gem

With you by my side, life’s a perfect gem

I vow to love, honor, and cherish you

Forever and always, till our lives are through

You are my everything, my heart’s delight

With you by my side, everything feels right

I promise to love and hold you close

Through life’s ups and downs, joys and woes

Our love is like a rose, beautiful and true

I vow to nurture and cherish it, just like you

With you by my side, my heart’s at home

Forever and always, we’ll never be alone.

Wedding Vow Quotes from Books, Songs, or Movies

Your wedding vows are an opportunity to express your undying love and devotion in a meaningful way! Why not explore some of the world today greatest works for inspiration right words? From literature, music, or movies – discovering timeless words that perfectly capture your feelings can be just what you need. Let these quotes help you write your own wedding vows and guide you on this journey towards lifelong commitment with your other half, your forever friend and spouse to be beloved!

Wedding Vow Quotes From Books, Songs, Or Movies
  1. “I vow to always honor and respect your wishes, as Westley did for Buttercup in The Princess Bride. I promise to support you in all your dreams and be your partner through all of life’s adventures.”
  2. “I promise to always stand by your side, through good times and bad, just as Aragorn did for Arwen in Lord of the Rings. I vow to love and cherish you for all of eternity.”
  3. “As Catherine and Heathcliff’s souls were one in Wuthering Heights, I vow to always be connected with you on a deep level. I promise to always support you and love you with my whole heart.”
  4. “As Shakespeare wrote in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, love is blind and it sees with the heart. I vow to always love you, no matter what, and to cherish the connection we share.”
  5. “I promise to always hold you close, and never take a single moment we share for granted. I vow to love and cherish you, today and always.”
  6. “As the moon pulls the tides of the sea, you pull at my heartstrings. I promise to always be there for you, and to love you more and more each day.”
  7. “”As Florentino waited for Fermina in Love in the Time of Cholera, I have waited for you. I vow to love you forever and always, and to be faithful to you until the end of time.”
  8. “As Marianne fell in love with Willoughby in Sense and Sensibility, my heart was irrevocably gone the moment I met you. I vow to always love and cherish you, and to be your partner through all of life’s ups and downs.”
  9. “Just like Harry and Sally in When Harry Met Sally, I knew from the moment I met you that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I vow to always cherish you and love you with all my heart.”
  10. “As Savage Garden sang in ‘I Knew I Loved You,’ I knew I loved you before I met you. I promise to always dream with you, and to love and support you in all your endeavors

Wedding Promise with the Ring

Exchange rings on your wedding day to represent the unbreakable bond between you and vow ever lasting commitment with each other. For a heartfelt gesture, make an additional promise soon to be spouse when exchanging your rings – wedding vow as exemplified by marriage vows in this example: “With my ring I pledge that I will love and cherish you forever.” Make it even more special through these meaningful words perfect vows of devotion life forever!

Wedding Promise With The Ring
  1. “This ring is a symbol of my love and commitment to you. I promise to stand by your side through all of life’s ups and downs, to be your partner in all things, and to always cherish you.”
  2. “I give you this ring as a sign of my love and devotion. I promise to always be honest with you, to support you in all your dreams, and to make our love a priority in my life.”
  3. “With this ring, I make a promise to you. A promise to love you, honor you, and cherish you always. I vow to be your partner in life, your confidant, and your biggest supporter.”
  4. “I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and devotion. I promise to always be there for you, to love you unconditionally, and to support you in all of your endeavors.”
  5. “This ring is a symbol of my love and devotion to you. I promise to be your rock in times of trouble, your shelter in times of storm, and your partner in all things.”
  6. “With this ring, I promise to love you always, to honor you, and to cherish you. I vow to be your faithful partner, to always stand by your side, and to support you in all of your dreams.”
  7. “I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment to you. I promise to always be true to you, to cherish you, and to make our love a priority in my life.”
  8. “With this ring, I pledge my love and devotion to you. I promise to always be your partner in all things, to support you in all your dreams, and to love you unconditionally.”
  9. “As I place this ring on your finger, I vow to be your faithful partner, your loyal friend, and your loving soulmate. I promise to love you with all my heart and to cherish you for all eternity.”
See More: Crafting Perfect Christian Wedding Vows: Let Your Heart Speak Through Your Lips

Spiritual Wedding Vows for Him

As you stand together, surrounded by friends and family, the ones who have shared in your love story, express the depths of commitment that bind you with these special spiritual wedding vows. The meaningful words will help to connect and solidify a deep connection between each other as husband and wife; perfect for those couples whose faith lies at their heart’s core. Here are ten examples divine these divine marriage vows, to show friends and family, just how beautiful this union can be.

Spiritual Wedding Vows For Him
  1. “I vow to honor and respect your beliefs, and to support you in your spiritual journey. I promise to always seek the divine in all things, and to share that journey with you.”
  2. “My love, I vow to walk beside you in faith, and to always support you in your spiritual growth. I promise to love you as God loves us, unconditionally and without reservation.”
  3. “As we enter into this covenant together, I promise to always seek the guidance of a higher power in all things, and to always keep faith at the center of our relationship.”
  4. “I vow to always honor the divine spark within you, and to see the light of God shining brightly in your eyes.”
  5. “My love, I promise to always support you on your spiritual journey, and to help you cultivate a deeper connection with the divine.”
  6. “As we come together in marriage, I promise to always seek the divine in our relationship, and to hold our love as a sacred gift from God.”
  7. “I vow to always seek the truth, to always honor the light, and to always walk the path of the divine with you by my side.”
  8. “My love, I promise to always be a faithful and loving partner, and to always honor the spiritual bond that connects us.”
  9. “As we take this sacred step together, I promise to always be a source of light and love for you, and to help you connect with the divine in all things.”
  10. “I vow to always treat you with the reverence and respect that a spiritual union demands, and to always hold our love as a sacred and holy bond.”


There’s no right or wrong way to own vows – let them come straight from the heart. Make sure they reflect who you are as a couple; inject some humor if it fits with your personalities, but don’t be afraid to get creative too. On what will surely be one of the most beautiful days in both yours’ life path and everyone else’s – spend the rest of my life too – have faith that whatever comes out is perfect for expressing how much two hearts can hold each other close forevermore. Congratulations and best wishes!

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